A leading Healthcare Payer in North America

Business Challenge

The client set forth a comprehensive objective, focusing on the migration of on-premises systems to the MS Azure Private Cloud, including the migration of applications and by integrating blockchain solutions to achieve a more robust and scalable infrastructure.

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  • Migrate to Azure Cloud
  • Utilize a dockerized approach with Kubernetes
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  • Azure functions were deployed for event-driven message processing, complemented by logic apps for triggers and alerts.
  • Azure Storage BLOB facilitated efficient handling of multiple files, including the storage of images and documents.
  • A Dockerized implementation was achieved with Kubernetes setup utilizing AKS, incorporating Pods, Application Gateway, and Load Balancer. The implementation encompassed:
  • Cost management
  • Budget analysis
  • Tool selection
  • Network/infra setup
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Business Value
  • Realized benefits of moving to Azure Cloud allowing for an easy access and scalable IT ecosystem.
  • 50%  Savings in infrastructure costs compared to on-premises infrastructure
  • 40%  Decrease in deployment times
